BELLA-T is a project funded by the European Commission under Contract LA/2016/376-534 aiming at achieving a long-term and significant improvement of the academic South American network, enabling the Latin American Research and Education Regional Network, RedCLARA to guarantee full and equal access by LA NRENs to the capacity of the direct Europe-Latin America submarine cable which is being procured through the BELLA-S Project, both part of the BELLA Programme.
This will be realised by upgrading RedCLARA's optical infrastructure in South America, which will allow the deployment of an optical network, generating synergies with the NRENs of the region, through increased capillarity and effectiveness.
The result will be a secure resilient optical backbone ready to support 100 Gbps wavelengths in South America which will become RedCLARA’s main regional infrastructure for research, education, innovation and public service in Latin America.
This tender seeks to procure Long term Irrevocable Rights of Use of either Dark Fibre strands or Spectrum of DWDM Networks on top of (mostly) terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure. The DWDM network is expected to provide multiple links at 100 Gbps or more in a period of 15 years or more.
The Tender will be conducted using a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation according to EU Directive on on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/24/EC:
Publication Date: March 6, 2017
Closing Date: April 7, 2017 at 23:59 UTC (GMT)
Contracting Authorities:
REUNA, Red Universitaria Nacional, [1]
RedCLARA: Cooperacion Latinoamericana de Redes Avanzadas, [2]
Participation is open to any company providing telecommunications infrastructure, be this its primary business or not.
To participate, please register by sending an e-mail to:
Once you are registeredm you will be able to download the documents and follow the negotiation procedure through the
BELLA-T-001 Tender Process Webpage
Lot |
Section Name |
Lot 1 |
La Serena - Copiapó (Chile) |
Contract Award Notice |
Lot 2 |
Copiapó - Antofagasta (Chile) |
Contract Award Notice. |
Lot 3 |
Antofagasta - Calama (Chile)
Closed (not awarded) in 2018. |
Lot 4 |
Calama - Arica (Chile)
Closed (not awarded) in 2018. |
Lot 5 |
Arica (Chile) - Tacna (Peru)
Closed (declared void in 2018)
Lot 6 |
Tacna - Lima (Peru)
Closed (declared void in 2018)
Lot 7 |
Lima - Tumbes (Peru)
Closed (declared void in 2018)
Lot 8 |
Tumbes (Peru) - Huaquillas (Ecuador) |
Closed (declared void in 2018)
Lot 9 |
Tulcán (Ecuador) - Ipiales (Colombia)
Contract Award Notice. |
Lot 11 |
Barranquilla (Colombia) - Fortaleza (Brazil)
In Phase 4 Contract Negotiation.
Lot 12 |
Cartagena (Colombia) - Fortaleza (Brazil) |
Closed (declared void in 2018)
Lot 17 |
Porto Alegre (Brazil) - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Contract Award Notice |